NaNoWriMo is in full swing. For those of you that don’t already know, NaNoWriMo stands for National Novel Writing Month, and consists of writing a 50,000+ word novel in an insane 30 days. It’s an incredible amount of fun. If you’ve never tried it before, I suggest you give it a shot this year. You can sign up or learn more here.
Anyway, sometimes it can be difficult to get into the writing mindset and really let the creative juices flow, especially if your time is otherwise occupied by more stressful activities such as working, taking care of kids, or other day to day tasks. I’ve noticed that many things can help me relax and get in the right frame of mind so that ideas come to me more readily, and you might find some of them helpful, as well. Anyway, here they are:
51 Ways to Jumpstart Your Creativity
- People watch.
- Read a book.
- Blog.
- Take a nature walk.
- Snuggle with your sweetie.
- Try a new recipe.
- Learn about a new place you’d like to visit.
- Window shop.
- Finger paint.
- Rearrange your writing space.
- Knock out chores on your to-do list.
- Tell your kids a ghost story.
- Call a friend for a chat.
- Meditate.
- Listen to music.
- Take a new route home from work.
- Start a journal.
- Take an afternoon nap.
- Make an ice cream sundae.
- Exercise.
- Turn off the t.v.
- Talk to your cats.
- Cuddle with your dog.
- Light aromatic candles.
- Play twenty questions with yourself.
- Pretend you’re a historical figure and take a personality quiz.
- Interview yourself for an imaginary newspaper.
- Start a dream diary.
- Drink good tea.
- Go on a photo safari in your back yard.
- Read poetry.
- Go to a museum or art gallery.
- Adopt a houseplant.
- Pick a random picture and write 100 words about it.
- Join a ‘100 Theme’ challenge.
- Find a writer’s group.
- Take your notebook or laptop to your favorite restuarant/coffee house.
- Explore your local Main Street.
- Research your family tree.
- Write flash fiction.
- Send your favorite celebrity fan mail.
- Take a bubble bath.
- Get a massage.
- Buy a good pen.
- Designate a ‘writing uniform’ and wear it.
- Keep an idea book.
- Pick a theme song.
- Research another culture.
- Keep fresh fruits and veggies in your fridge.
- Get plenty of rest.
- Just write.